According to the recent Twitch leaks, the popular streamer xQc made $8.5 million over the course of three years. Felix Lengyel, also known as xQc or xQcOW on twitch, has been the subject of a massive data leak that was posted to 4chan in the form of a torrent file containing 128GB worth of data. The section that has gotten the most attention being the data surrounding content creators’ earnings on the platform.

How much Streamers and Youtubers make from their content creation has long been a source of speculation and blind assumption, but it now appears that some credible figures exist for many of the most popular and known Twitch streamers, including xQc.

Who is the popular streamer xQc?

xQc began streaming League of Legends, but he is best known for his professional Overwatch career, in which he played the tank role and achieved great success, including reaching the finals of the 2017 Overwatch World Cup before losing to the reigning champions, South Korea. He was voted the event’s MVP.

Since the cancellation of the 2020 contenders season, he has been streaming full-time on Twitch, where he has amassed over 9 million fans and is the platform’s most popular by active users.

The xQc Debacle

Aside from his undisputed popularity on Twitch and YouTube, xQc has been the target of many controversy, including a permanent ban from League of Legends, which is a noteworthy feat given that it only happens to 0.006% of players. That is one method to become a member of the 1%. However, if this revenue leak is to be accepted, xQc has experienced no such problems.

In addition to his many player account suspensions for publicly throwing matches, aggressive behaviour, and misuse of the player report tool, xQc has been punished and fined by the Overwatch league for racial and homophobic slurs.

xQc response to the leak

He has yet to confirm or dispute the $8.5 million number, or even to comment on it publicly.

Because the data only covers his cumulative pay-out from twitch since 2019, it’s safe to conclude that his profits are significantly more than $8.5 million if the leak is accurate. E-sports professionals, like real-world sportsmen, generate money from a variety of sources, including sponsorships and merchandising.